In their annual ICC Report at the Baltimore, Maryland Assembly (July, 2017), Roberta Kardell and Rita Yeasted underscored the Proposal of Member Dissasociation. The Proposal, which was affirmed at the Las Vegas, Nevada International Assembly (2007), defines minimal contact to be the base requirement for maintaining membership in SFCC. Minimal contact is defined as being in contact with one or more SFCCs who themselves are active within a region (attend region meetings and/or attend International Assemblies).
When a member ceases contact with all active SFCCs, as well as does not respond to repeated attempts by active SFCCs to make contact with her (ie, phone, vm, email, snail mail, text), the member “disassociates” herself from SFCC by her own action and decision. Her name is dropped from the SFCC Directory, which is the official listing of active members in good standing. If, at some future time, the disassociated member reconnects with one or more active SFCCs, she may be reinstated through region-level consensus and her name will be added back into the Directory