Dear sisters all,
Wonderful to share at you at the outset of this new year!
In Dutch and Flemisch up until the feast of 3 Kings, 6 januari, we greet all with whom we come into contact with "Heil & zegen"/"Salvation & blessing"
And so to all of you, my prayers for a blessed, salving 2019, especially with our combined efforts to be instruments of peace and reconciliation with all our time, talents....where we live and work and have our being!
That leads me to the continuing good news surrounding SFCC since I last wrote to you in this conversation blog, july 2018.
First, Didy, who suffered the terrible car accident, is recovering beyond all possible expectations.
Following the long coma, the 9 surgeries, monday-friday daily therapy at the rehad centre where she resides.....she will face another crucial surgery which hopes to save one of her legs, and enable her again to walk. Amazing is that she, wheelchair bound, conducted with one arm, a Christmas choir which she started at the the rehab centre, consisting of patients and personnel. Music fills the soul with courage, indeed.....
As I shared before, the past year has been filled with many inquiries into SFCC from Poland, Belgium. Netherlands, Spain (see my message above from past July)
Our sisters, Carmen en Magda, from Spain have recently (december 2018) signed the Covenant form after their six month inquirer period. The are moving into full membership of the SFCC worldwide community with much enthousiams and 'spirit'!
In september they moved to Louvain, Belgium, among other things, learning Flemisch ....awaiting --as am I--with me our next steps with sisters in Gent and Brugge. In the wknd of 11-14 january 2019 we will learn and discover more.....will keep you posted!
In the wknd of 7-11 februari 2019 I am being flown--ticket already paid for by Magda en Carmen--at the request of (younger) people filled with the SFCC vision, to come give a concert in Bilbao, Spain, the night of the 7th, followed by a 4 day retreat together with the many there, who wish to know more about the SFCC vision, vows and daily implementation.
Like so often, the "aha erlebnis" again with these folks:
"Where have you been all my life?!" is repeatedly asked ---I always laugh when it is is some young mid -20's person asking that!
The main theme uniting sooooo many young people at this time to us, to the SFCC vision is summarized such:
"we know that the world cannot continue as it has....political leaders, global problems...
I, as one among many, want to make a difference. Starting with myself first, my thoughts, my words, my actions....I want to use all my time, energy, talents to build bridges, community, harmony among people, towards peace and reconciliation, wherever I live and work, through connective and uplifting communication in which people feel seen, heard and appreciated."
Each person having found us via social media, blogs, linked-in, facebook, et alia, has the same core words for their media search: peace, reconciliation; connective communication; building harmony, building community; making a difference beginning with myself, etc.
I thought that Pentecost in 2018 was full of fire this us in the Benelux and in europa!
Now this year has started off with a spirited impulse, and we are feeling the presence of the Spirit
calling many more to live out the vision of the SFCC ---so desperately needed in our time.
Stay tuned for more to come from our side of the ocean and have a blessed Assembly in this month together in The Philippines!
Love, light and songs from the sea at The Netherlands
(Teresa Takken, RCC Benelux/Europa)